Wow, what an insightful essay, Luke! I have been really enjoying this social media series. You have put into words how social media has become a tool for so many for finding identity and fulfillment in something that ultimately isn’t Christ. I used to post on and scroll through social media quite often, and last year the Holy Spirit led me to realize that I was turning to social media as a means of escape from life’s stress and as a source of approval, rather than turning to and relying on God. Social media had become a HUGE idol for me. I had tried many things over the years (app timers, breaks, etc.) to try to address my unhealthy social media habits, but nothing ever lasted. I felt the call to delete the apps altogether during the summer of last year, and for me life has felt much more peaceful without it. Social media's absence has left more room in my mind to stay focused on present moments and to ponder more deeply about the things of God. I don’t think everyone is called to or should delete their social media apps as I have, but I think it's worthwhile to take inventory of the effect social media is having on society at large and in our personal lives and walks with God. Gospel-saturated social media is such a wonderful cause to advocate for; keep up the good work!

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Thanks for your comment Amirah! I really appreciate your encouragement! And yes, it is so hard to know how to use social media well.

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