Jun 9, 2023Liked by Luke Finley

Another good one, Luke!

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Jun 8, 2023·edited Jun 8, 2023Liked by Luke Finley

A wonderful deeper dive of the ordinary versus extraordinary. Such a timely word for me as I've been asking God for His divine providence and His will to be done as it absolutely way too easy to think we need to be the ones being Jesus and causing the miracles. I relate too much in trying to take everything in my control.

I've been meditating on what does it mean to live in tension of the problems that surface and allowing others to live in that tension. We know in James how the first topic is exactly just that, testing of our faith and how it produces patience and allowing patience to work us onto perfection. Strictly, God keeps telling me the testing has always been about developing with Him and working with Him over the actual result/solution. It makes me think we sincerely get built up in faith as a reward out of relationship with God instead of faith being something to achieve to HAVE relationship with God.

May we all continue to have child-like faith like the ordinary boy, surrender what we have, sacrifice our security, and trust in Jesus' plan.

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