welcome to the everyday gospel!

The everyday gospel is a weekly newsletter where I share essays that will help you understand and apply the gospel of Jesus to your day-to-day life, from your hopes and dreams to your fears and failures. I want to help you uncover the assumptions you hold about life and show how Jesus provides us with the answers that we’re looking for.

I’ve spent my life studying, reading, and thinking about how the gospel applies to everyday life, so I want to share these thoughts with you…I hope you find them helpful!

If you’d like to get in contact with me either DM me on Instagram (@lukecfinley) or email me at luke@lukefinley.com.

Subscribe to the everyday gospel

essays focusing on how the gospel applies to every part of your day-to-day life.


Hi there, I'm Luke! I live in New York City and write about how the gospel impacts every part of our day-to-day lives.